From July, 2017

Mac Mini with eGPU (AKiTiO Node) Review

In this post, I will be covering rather grand topic than I intended, the eGPU support arrived with Metal 2. That being said, this post will be divided up, feel free to skip some, read some, or even leave comments on some.

High Sierra Second Public Beta is Here

Second public beta of High Sierra with rather grim news. Aside from obvious bug fixes, confirmed High Sierra is more confining than that Sierra is and was. The drivers aside from Radeon RX 470/480/570/580 definitely exists in High Sierra and can be found rather easily. My testing showed High Sierra was able to “grab”…

High Sierra Public Beta is Here

Public beta for High Sierra is here, and boy, we didn’t see this kind of mess since Lion. This devastation is only comparable to the first release of public beta OS X Lion, and if you are in for it, you won’t be disappointed. I’m not even sure how developers are supposed to work with…

FTL:Faster Than Light Quicksaver

FTL: Faster Than Light is one of those games that does not allow saves for a reason. Now, although it is a beautiful decision, –even the tips suggest dying for the sake of experience– you might wonder like myself, what would have happened if my ship had survived that encounter. It’s one of those games…