From November, 2012

iPhone 5 Costs May Be Eating Apple’s Gross Margins

원문 iPhone 5 Costs May Be Eating Apple’s Gross Margins John Paczkowski, AllThingsD 신청받은 기사 “애플, 아이폰 고수익 오래 못갈 것“ 남혜원, ZDnet Korea 그는 아이폰5 생산 원가를 약 370달러로 추정, 고비용이 큰 폭의 흑자 유지에 부정적이라고 파악했다. 이에 따라 12월 마감되는 애플 분기 매출 중 순익 비중이 40%에서 38.8%로 떨어질 것으로 전망했다. Hargreaves says the cost of goods sold for an iPhone 5 is higher than expected — about $370 (seems a little high, no?) — and he figures that will trim Apple’s overall gross margin for the December quarter to 38.8 percent from 40 percent. 하그리브스는 매출원가가 예상보다…

What IF Wikipedia starts charging subscription fee?

In a world of Spotifys and Netflixs and countless other subscriptions, what’s just one more? Especially for something as wildly useful as Wikipedia. If Wikipedia was to go to a subscription model, how much would you be willing to pay? How much would be high enough that you would try to go without? Like Limer said in his post, Wikipedia has become one of the most influential website in WWW. It stands for free and easily accessible informations for public, meaning, people love free good goodies. For some reason, Wikipedia has not run any kinds, literally NO, never ever, of…