Tagged PS4

Amnesia: the Bunker Spiel

Amnesia has finally ran out of excuses it gives the protagonist why you are in the middle of nowhere. With all the reasons the franchise has thrown at us thus far, the Bunker throws us possibly the most realistic, yet the most boring, reason why you are stuck underground: you are there because you were…

Disable Gameplay Recording Paused Notification on PS4

Playstation 4 packs enough social network in it to have publishes go extra miles to disable the feature of the new generation. This does NOT stop anyone from recording one’s footage, however; rather, it makes it a teddy bit more cumbersome to share short footages with friends with insane ‘Recording Paused’ notification spamming.

Export PS4 Medias without Physical USB Drives

PS4 should have been equipped with state-of-art cloud features. But as we all know, this console is made by Sony, not Microsoft. Only way to utilize self-acclaimed powerful sharing features is to share it via PlayStation Network and tiny selection of social platforms. That being said, if you can manage to export the photos and…

PS4 Backup “Not Enough Space” Error Solution

Let us all agree on the fact that Sony sucks at doing anything software-related right. Just compare it to its competitions, Xbox, for example. Microsoft is too big of a hurdle? No more excuses. At any rate, I’ve seen multiple posts on different forums suggesting back and forth as to what is the real cause…