From August, 2018

Hide Home Button on Microsoft Edge

Nobody has “home” anymore on world wide web. We move around freely, because we are all tied around Google, not Yahoo, the yellow page of, well, internet. But oddly enough, Edge does not have accessible options to simply remove the Home button from the toolbar, despite the fact that it is doable.

August 27, 2018

Quick Announcements Weekly op-ed will now be published on Saturday UTC. Hopefully the change will better serve anyone living in the new world. And to clarify the publishing schedule, at least one article will be published weekly basis. Due to my personal circumstances, my publishing has been haptic of late. I am hoping to get back on the original time frame before the end of this week.

Disabling WordPress Theme Updates Notification

WordPress comes with some quirks,as its a free, open-source platform. While WordPress as a software has come a long way since becoming one of the pioneers, its economy is no different from mobile OS. Plugins and themes almost always fall in to 4 categories: free, freemium, paid, or subscription. And unfortunately some of these paid…

Compress Tar without Parent Folder

I’ve written on compressing files with XZ algorithm. If you had done so already, you would’ve noticed by now that using that command line by line will cause the program to create an archive with all of its parent folders included.